Thursday, December 16, 2010


Day 45: William and I talked most of the day today. He is planning to leave tomorrow and wants me to go with him. I declined his offer and told him it might be a better idea to stay here. I told him my doubts about Fort McCoy being a safe haven, not to mention the trek there. Here there is food and supplies and I know the city pretty well. We would be safe here for a long time. He disagreed and told me he is still planning on heading to Fort McCoy, but agreed to debate the two sides with everyone and let them decide on what each person wants to do.

We just got done discussing going to Fort McCoy versus staying here. By the sound of everyone's response, I think they all will pretty much go with William. I'm staying here, though. In my opinion, its a lot more safe, at least until winter comes. I'm not saying that the fort is not safe, but no one knows for sure. Nobody has been able to radio to them. All we hear is the same message. I may decide to travel there later if the city is no longer safe. Besides the fort, we started to talk about what caused all this. I heard everything from it being aliens, a government conspiracy to terrorists. No one could agree on whether its worldwide or not. We'll probably never know. One thing is for sure. Its pretty nice talking to a group of people again. We never appreciate things until they are gone.