Monday, March 15, 2010


Day 5: What a rollar coaster of a day I had. I don't really feel like writing tonight, but maybe it will help pass the time. After my last entry, I loaded up the truck with supplies and weapons. I've seen enough zombie movies and played enough zombie games in my day to know to conserve ammo as much as I can. I brought along a couple police batons to use instead of the handgun whenever I can. I took on last look around before I left, hoping to never see it again.

My first stop was the grocery store. Its about halfway between the police station and the evac area. I made it there with very little resistance. I could already tell that the truck will hold up better than my car. While inside, I avoided as many zombies as I could and only took out those that I had to. I didn't want to attract any more of them, so I tried to be as quickly and quietly as possible. I grabbed mostly canned goods and chips with a couple bottle of booze as well. It can help celebrate getting out of this town. I never really like the taste of Spam, but I guess I'm going to have to get used to now. Its probably the only meat that good now even though the electricity is still working, but all the ground beef is a week old. With the truck filled with food, I took off for the evac area.

Boy was it a disappointment. What I feared about that explosion was true. It was the evac site. I don't know what happened but I looked like some fuel tanks exploded. I have no idea how or why, but there were still some fires burning. There was nothing left except a huge horde of zombies. It was the biggest I have seen so far. It had to be at least a thousand of them. With a horde that size, there is no way there could be any survivors. I had to get out of there before they noticed me. There was only once place to go and that was back to the police station.

I got back just as it was getting dark. I had little resistance on the way back as well. I have no idea what I'm going to do now. I thought this was a sure thing. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, especially with that explosion the other day. I just chose to ignore it. Its not easy to admit it, but I broke down and cried tonight. It all feels so hopeless. Maybe I'll open up a bottle of Jack to end the night.

1 comment:

  1. I have told my friends, I posted on facebook :O) I'm obsessed with zombie movies, but I have strict requirements like zombies don't talk, lol. This really is great and I can't wait for more to come!
