Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gone as Fast as He Came

Day 17: The past couple of days Hank and I have been exterminating the zombies in town. It seems like a never-ending task, though, which makes sense since the world is filled with zombies now. Everyday it seemed like there were more and more. They are starting to pile up now and I'm afraid of how things are going to smell once summer comes. I brought it up to Hank, but he said not to worry about it right now. Today we did some searching of nearby buildings while out exterminating and got in some trouble. We entered this one building. I think it used to be some sort of office. For what I'm not sure, but there were a lot more zombies in there than I thought. To make matters worse, when I turned around, Hank was gone. I took out as many of the zombies as I had to while looking for Hank. I'm getting a little better with killing zombies. Its not fun to me like it was with Hank, but I hope I never get that bad. I still think he was a little insane. Anyway, I search all over and could not even find a trace of him. No blood or anything. Its like he just vanished. I have no idea where he went or why. It was nice to be able to actually talk with another human being, though. Even if he was a little crazy. Now its just Eeyore and me again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    I saw your entry in the "coffee shop."
    Not much good comes from there, so I answered you here. I really like what I read. I'm going to tag along if you don't mind.

    Very soon I'll be posting entries from a book I'm writing about zombies also. here are the links to my blogs. If you have the time, check 'em out...
