Thursday, January 13, 2011


Day 46: William went through with his plan today and headed for Fort McCoy along with most of his group. Four decided to say with Thomas and I. Rick was a loner that joined with William a week ago in Greenville. His parents passed away many years ago and he didn't have much family or friends. It took some convincing from William in order for Rick to join him. He spent most of his life alone and was what he was used to. The Halloway Family joined William 2 weeks ago in Kaukauna. They were under attack by the militia. I don't even know why I call them that. Its kind of a term I just applied to them in this journal. We all have different names for them. I don't think militia really fits though. Let's just call them bandits, since they take what the want and are only out for themselves. Anyway, to get back to the Halloway Family. William and his group helped fight off the bandits and the family joined with him. They never really thought going to Fort McCoy was such a good idea, but being with a bigger group was safer than being alone, they thought. Eric and Juliet are the parents of 10 year old Abby. The four of them thought staying here was much safer than taking their chances out there. I tried to get William to take some vehicles instead of making the trek on foot. He said no, though, because the sound would attract more of the undead. The departed in the early afternoon. I hope they made it to some place safe before the sun went down. I wish him luck on his journey and maybe we will run into each other again.

After William left, Thomas, Rick, Eric and I inspected the building to make sure it was safe and secure with no way for the undead to get in. Just before bed, we all discussed our safety here and agreed that we could always use more firepower. We managed to get 2 assault rifles and 5 extra clips from the bandits. Thats all we could find before the undead noticed us and made their way towards us. That leaves us with 2 assault rifes, 2 handguns, and a shotgun. We decided that Rick and I are going to travel up to Appleton in search of more. Its going to be dangerous, but worth the risk if it will make us safer against the zombies and anymore bandits out there. We are going to work out the details in the morning and head out just before noon.

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