Friday, April 2, 2010

I Miss The Simpsons

Day 19: Nothing too exciting happened yesterday or today. I did notice that all zombies that Hank and I killed are now replaced by others. Its getting warmer outside too, so I guess summer is coming. I going to try to come up with some sort of fence idea that I can build around the police station. I would like to be able to spend some time outside without fear of a zombie attack and have some room to play with Eeyore. The fence would have to be strong, though, so that a big horde of zombies can't knock it over and it has to have some way that I can still get out. I'm going to start to brainstorm some ideas. Plus it will give me some thing to work towards and take my mind off things.
I did realize one thing tonight. I really miss The Simpsons. I used to watch that show almost everyday. Now that all the TV stations are off the air, I can't watch it. I don't know if that means that I'm shallow or anything that I miss a TV show of all things. I mean, I miss my family and friends too. Sometimes its the simple things that affect you the most or something like that. I'm not sure anymore. I know theres a TV and DVD player here in the police station, so I'm going to keep an eye out for the DVDs. Hopefully I'll find a couple before the power is turned off.

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