Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 1

I always wondered what it would be like if a zombie apocolypse occured and whether or not I'd be able to survive. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever believe it would actually happen. When I saw it with my own two eyes, it didn't take long for me to realize what was going on.

I was at work with a hour left in my shift and nothing to do. All of a sudden, I heard a woman scream. I looked up in time to see a customer get tackled by another customer. The only problem was that the one doing the tackling looked like he was dead and was dead for a while and as far as I could tell, it was a "he." He was moving around like a live person, though. Almost like a walking corpse. Then it happened! The corpse bit the person underneith him. This was no friendly bite, but more like a fierce animal attack. A pool of blood started to form. Just thinking about it still makes my stomach churn.

I knew I had to get out of there if I wanted to stay alive. As I was running towards the from doors, others were trying to pull the zombie off. It was no use, though. The virus, or whatever caused it, was spread to four more people in a matter of minutes. There were more outside. There were people screaming and running everywhere. The world was falling into chaos. I ran to my car as quickly as I could. My only thought was that I had to get to my loved ones and make sure they were safe. One can only pray...

1 comment:

  1. I'm starting from the beginning...
    I'm all about zombies!
